March 27, 2011


I think this probably goes without saying, but I have been awful about blogging this past month.  Our home has been filled with illness; it seems like we've just continued to pass it between the 3 of us.  Hopefully the warmer weather will help.  Anyway, on to the good stuff...

I've officially transitioned from a heel fanatic to a flat fanatic.  I was always a heel-wearer even up until 5 or 6 months pregnant but since then, I've tended to spend more time in flats.  I'd now consider myself to have converted 100%! 

Why???  1) Because heels kill my toes and 2) There are so many cute flats these days that I don't feel like I'm missing out.  I actually rarely find heels that I LOVE anymore. 

What exactly does "converting to flats" mean?  1) I'm getting all of my pants hemmed and 2) Will only purchase flats.  Of course I will keep a few pair of heels for those rare occasions when I may need them, but going forward, my hard earned money will only be spent on shoes that do not torture my feet. 

Here are some of my current favorites: