February 11, 2011

iLove My Hubby!

Yesterday, I came home from work to an unexpected gift from the Mr.!!!!  Let me first set the scene.

1) I was in a huge hurry!  I arrived home at 4:30 and had a Stella & Dot trunk show at 6pm.  I needed to be at the restaurant to set up at 5pm but also had to change and freshen up.  I feel like life is always such a rush; why can't it just sllllloooooooooowww down.
2) Grayson and I do not celebrate Valentine's Day; we never have (at my request).  I've always thought of it as a forced and pointless holiday.

So, on with the story.  I came in a little frantic and it was 100% obvious.  I asked him if he would mind helping me because I was running late.  He ensured me that he would but first he had a surprise to show me.  My response, "Babe, I'm really in a hurry!  Can we do this tonight when I get home?"  Well, he knew that the surprise would be ruined if he didn't "do it" at that exact moment; the surprise was in the living/dining room, the same room as my jewelry.  So I hesitantly agreed to close my eyes as he led me into the living room. When I opened my eyes, to my SURPRISE, EXCITEMENT, CONFUSION, etc, I saw these:


An iMAC!!!  Set up on my desk with a Stella & Dot logo as the background!!!!  Of course there was a card too, explaining all the reasons I deserved it!

Needless to say I didn't have time to play with it then, but I was so excited to get home after my show and enter the orders :).  And in case anyone is wondering, I arrived to the restaurant and set up the party with plenty of time to spare!

Loving my hubby and my very first Apple!!!



  1. How sweet! Have fun playing with your new mac!

  2. Awwwwwww Gray is the best!!! I miss you xoxox

  3. Hope the Trunk show went well, and you booked some others! I hosted my official launch last weekend and it went well. Yes, your husband does rock! I heart macs!
